Tiny Fox Sculpture

If you haven't figured it out by now, the sudden flood of posts isn't that I did tons of crafting in October (okay, well maybe I did, but not THIS much), some of these projects have been done for a while (varying from a few weeks to slightly over a year), and I just now got around to photographing and dealing with them. Finding that Flickr will tie into Blogger has made this IMMENSELY easier as long as I chop it up into one project per post and edit in additional photos later (and go back and add tags, shame that Flickr doesn't support that). So hopefully I will catch up soonish!

That said, here is the fox sculpture I made inspired by things on Deviant Art and the octopus. He however, is of my own design and mine. I need to make more of these (I bounce between different crafts far too much) , this one I gave away to T.

Tiny fox - Front
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

Tiny Fox - Back
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism