Crochet case

Crochet case closed
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

A long time ago I made a knitting needle case (I'll post about that soon), and it didn't turn out exactly as I would like. The answer is - use a 2nd piece of fabric as a liner. All comes out quite well then. This one is for my crochet hooks and I googled around at different patterns before arriving at this one. It's a fat quarter and I left it whole because I like a longer flap on mine. I think it looks neater. Just some scrap ribbon I had lying around as well.

It holds all the hooks I have, which is an entire Boyle Crochet Master set (hey, I got it half off), which came in such an ugly red faux leather case I decided this was much better!

The pocket is short enough that I can get the tiny lace hooks in and out without stabbing myself (they are sharp as it turns out!), and the large pockets to the left are for other tools (if I ever put any in there), or I could sew extra hook pockets into it as needed. Right now there is no spare space but I can't see why I'd ever need more hooks than I've got!

Crochet case open
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism