Japanese pillow

Japanese pillow
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

This is from a pattern book that Mom P has and she and I made together as a sewing lesson. I remember most of the lesson I think. Really I should go buy me a nice cutting board and a better rotary cutting blade for a lot of my crafts, as it was immensely useful.

She did most of the flower appliqué, with clear thread of all things! (I should order some, it's NEAT!)

Anyway, I really liked doing it and if I had any taste for design would do more things like this. One day I suspect I'll have a house where I decorated it beautifully with things I made like this. That or it'll look like my bedroom does now (I should clean, not craft, but only one of these appeals). Ugh.

Raspberry Chocolate Wrist Warmers

Raspberry Chocolate Wrist Warmers
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

These are some wrist warmers I made. they're not 100% identical, but the larger problem was the yarn. Debbi Mumm Traditions. I 'd been warned but I did it anyways because I loved how the original designer of the pattern's turned out. Needles to say mine wound up nothing like that.

But as it turns out- Ri wants them, so they shall be hers.

I may one day make another pair but I feel pretty foolish wearing them. Maybe when i'm skinny one day.

Crochet case

Crochet case closed
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

A long time ago I made a knitting needle case (I'll post about that soon), and it didn't turn out exactly as I would like. The answer is - use a 2nd piece of fabric as a liner. All comes out quite well then. This one is for my crochet hooks and I googled around at different patterns before arriving at this one. It's a fat quarter and I left it whole because I like a longer flap on mine. I think it looks neater. Just some scrap ribbon I had lying around as well.

It holds all the hooks I have, which is an entire Boyle Crochet Master set (hey, I got it half off), which came in such an ugly red faux leather case I decided this was much better!

The pocket is short enough that I can get the tiny lace hooks in and out without stabbing myself (they are sharp as it turns out!), and the large pockets to the left are for other tools (if I ever put any in there), or I could sew extra hook pockets into it as needed. Right now there is no spare space but I can't see why I'd ever need more hooks than I've got!

Crochet case open
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

My First Amigurumi!

Golden Snitch
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

So I learned kind-of how to crochet a long time ago, and then found a reason to try and really learn it! Amigurumi!

Apparently I am going through a "cute thing" phase of my life that I don't see ending any time soon. The pattern for this Golden Snitch is on Ravelry, I made it out of cheap Red Heart I had lying around. I think it turned out pretty well!

I'm keeping this little guy, he's on one of the shelves of my wall now instead of on top of my webcam.

Yoga Socks

Yoga Socks
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

"Easy Peasy Yoga Socks" - Available on both Google and Ravelry (free! You'll probably notice a lot of my patterns are ones I found for free - at least for now).

The yarn I got at Knitch in Atlanta (I so want to go back!) and is Trekking XXL in Color 153. I have leftover yarn (a decent bit but I dont think enough for another pair? maybe?) out of the skein.

That said be wary of the sizing and how you cast off on this. The original designer doesn't include a gauge and her definition of "average" must be tiny! I added to 48 st. for cast on, and found that I wound up with a distinct top and bottom because I have a fat leg. I did Elizabeth's Zimmerman's sewn cast off which is what made it too tight. The pattern does call for a ribbed bind off w/ extra stitches - so that for next time for sure. I mistakenly thought the sewn would be stretchier.

And no, that is not my foot. That is S's foot.

Fingerless Gloves

Fingerless Gloves
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

These I finally finished this year (earlier in the year though), long after they were promised. These are fingerless gloves for S, made out of black yarn but with the pattern for "Hooray for me gloves!" (Google and Ravelry will lead you to it).

They were my first project in sock yarn which I have later learned to love, but this yarn was a bit rough for my tastes after I got ahold of some other fingering-weight, and black was hard to see! S likes them though and they work for her - so that's all that matters. She's modeling them here for the blog.

Tiny Fox Sculpture

If you haven't figured it out by now, the sudden flood of posts isn't that I did tons of crafting in October (okay, well maybe I did, but not THIS much), some of these projects have been done for a while (varying from a few weeks to slightly over a year), and I just now got around to photographing and dealing with them. Finding that Flickr will tie into Blogger has made this IMMENSELY easier as long as I chop it up into one project per post and edit in additional photos later (and go back and add tags, shame that Flickr doesn't support that). So hopefully I will catch up soonish!

That said, here is the fox sculpture I made inspired by things on Deviant Art and the octopus. He however, is of my own design and mine. I need to make more of these (I bounce between different crafts far too much) , this one I gave away to T.

Tiny fox - Front
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

Tiny Fox - Back
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

Altered Tins

Knitting Tins
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

So, in the quest for knitting stitch markers and such, which I will post about later, I had gotten relatively unhappy with the quick & dirty little pouch I had sewn to hold my knitting accessories (and getting the idea to craft for my knitting turned into many projects as it turns out).

I found some $1 tins at Micheal's for gift cards, but they were ugly (but flat as Altoid tins no longer are, and no mints to toss out wastefully!). So i picked up some scrapbooking paper and some mod podge and went to town, adding some finishing touches on one with my silver and gold paint pens.

Two seems to be enough for now, but more may ensue later (depending on how sane I feel like being).

Tiny Octopus Sculpture

Tiny Octopus Sculpture
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

A little octopus I made using a tutorial on deviant art, painted with acrylic and baked with a wire to be a charm! Innit cute? I gave him away to S.

Recipe box tabs

Recipe box tabs
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

So I had a recipe box that had a set of dividers that didn't exactly work right for me. They weren't high enough, and there weren't enough of them. Somewhere on a blog online I saw these cute things for modding notebooks as recipe books. Much fiddling with open office and my printer later, I made these!

Mom's Typewriter is the font if anyone wants to know.

Obishori Cloths

Obishori Cloths
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

Mostly because I'm a big dork, but not enough of a dork to want a cartoon character on my napkin ala the children's ones (only ones I've ever seen). I found a set of washcloths at Target on sale, a soap container for $1, and S had just inherited a serger. A few purchases of thread later and Tada! 2 fit in the soap case. Now if only I would remember to actually..oh...cook.

My First Softie!

Corgi Softie - pattern and result
Originally uploaded by Hayley a.k.a. Prism

Because yes, I need another hobby.
I made this guy out of craft felt and thread (regular and embroidery). The quarter is included for scale. I was really happy with the drawing, disappointed with the result so I'll be giving that way and trying again some time.

I didn't account for what would happen when he was turned so next time I just may not turn, just have a small edge with outside stitching.