Catching up - again

It seems I constantly fall behind on this blog! This is the first of 2 catch up posts as this one has been sitting in draft a while. So first, two bentos that have been made. I had been out of town some lately and busy at work a lot so not much cooking going on but here we are.

Bento #10
For this one I made beef soboro, and I was getting really sick of sticky rice, so I made whole wheat couscous instead. Edamame completes the lunch. It's not super filling, so warning (inverse of bento #6 perhaps).

SparkleFox's Rating 4/5
Beef Soboro from Just Bento -4/5
Tips: I used beef that was too fatty for this, so I drained it. Unfortunately that means the whole thing wound up a little too dry once I mixed it with couscous (you'd have the same issue with rice). Next time I'm going to get a leaner bit of beef and not drain it. As a note, I left out all the "optional" parts of cooking the couscous, litterally just water and grain - no butter or salt as I figured the soboro would have plenty to make up (and if I'd done it right, it would have).
Couscous - 4/5

Overall - 4/5
Edamame does take up a lot of space for what it is, this bento is one that could safely use a snack for my workday and not be too much food like Bento #6.

Bento #11
Breakfast bento! It's not that interesting, except I got around to decorating it! I found some Fox Run alphabet cutters on clearance at an overstock store, as well as pancake molds (silicone ring type). And some nice sprinkles of the shaped kind that I'm sure will appear later.

SparkleFox's Rating 5/5

Apple Maple Chicken Sausage (Favorite, found in the nice meats section of your Harris Teeter if you are lucky).

Pancakes - use recipe on back of Bisquick Box.
American Cheese
Shirred Egg Muffins with Onion and Green Pepper. - 5/5

I've done a variation of egg "muffins" like these that didn't make it into a bento, they're incredibly simple and really wonderful. Basically stir up some eggs just like you would for scrambling them, add some salt and pepper, and then start throwing ingredients in. This has green bell pepper and onion, I have also done sausage, onion, and green chili pepper which was superb as well. Stir it up, throw it into a silicone muffin pan (or silicone muffin holders), and cook at 350 degrees F in the oven until cooked. When done they will be moist, and the top may be wet but they will be slightly browned on the edges and a little fork in them will let you know they're done.

Overall - 5/5
Tasty, and decorative, and filling. Probably not very healthy though. oh well.

Moving on on the craft front -
I finished A's Harry Potter Scarf. I gave it to him immediately after I finished it as I was doing it while playing D&D. I have started E's Potter Scarf in Air force colors, pictures of both below.

For my trip to dragon con a little crafting was in order for goth-dressing purposes.
I ordered a mold off ebay and made these. There are several photos as I try to close up.

I then made these using the same thing - a ribbon necklace and a necklace with a setting. I had to make another rose just for the setting and didn't notice the green on it till I was already wearing it. Oh well, goths dont have to match. They are all roses although the photos may be too dark to show. (I got the setting at Micheal's and it had another clay cameo in it, which J helpfully demolished for me). And then I got a set of beads that screamed "earrings" so I did the simple task of putting them on french hooks.

So other than that - The room is an atrocious mess. I did go to a store called Knitch in Atlanta courtesy of a friend (we'll call her MB). I got my first pair of addi turbos and I see why people like them, as well as some lace-weight wool and some fingering weight wool/nylon. The former for a shawl, and the latter for yoga socks. I did try to start the yoga socks and frogged them out after realizing quickly they were way too small. The pattern I was using had no exact guage listed - so went back to the drawing board there. Turns out adding 6 stitches gave me the right size and I've made some more progress.

I also have an account at Ravelry now for those who may be interested in patterns/weights/colors/brands etc etc of what I do. However all the "blogging" will go here. I'm mostly using it as an online notebook right now, and plan to continue that. My user name there is "Prism".